Angular JS CRUD App - Part 1

What is CRUD App?

The best of learning the code is by doing . so lets create a simple app .In the app we  are going to Cover the above mentioned Activities . So our Crud Application will be divided in to 4 parts .

1. Create :

Lets start with Creating a student information and post to Remote API" . This is a free api which will help us to create a database and use it for posting new records , extracting or modifying the existing records and deleting the records . To start creating the App we are going to use the following template with angular app initiated .

 <!DOCTYPE html>  
 <body ng-app="app">  
      <div ng-controller="myController">  
   <script src=""></script>  
   <script type="text/javascript">  
        var app=angular.module("app",[])  
        app.controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope){  
