UI Developer Latest Interviw Questions

As we know , Java script is one of the most important  in Web application development  . Recently i have attended few Interviews for senior level UI Developer position . I am sharing some of the interview questions which i do remember .

HTML 5 :

1. What are the new form elements in HTML 5 ?
2. What are API's you have used in  HTML 5 ?


3. How to store a JSON object in Local storage ?
4. How to convert JSON to String format and String to JSON format ?
5. How to split a string in to Array ? and how to join Array in to string ?
6. What is Promise ? When you are going to use a Promise ?
7. How to inherit from one object to other object ?
8. What is difference between Call , bind and Apply in Java script ?
9. What is Event bubbling and even capturing ?
10.How to Write Numbers in Ascending Order or Descending Order in Array  ?

JQuery :

10.  How to assign a an event to any dynamically created  element in Jquery ?

Angular JS :

1. What is MVC ?
2. What is Advantages and disadvantages of two way data binding   ?
3. Why do we use Apply method in Angular ?
4. Why do we use Digest method in Angular ?
5. What is difference between Apply and Digest cycles ?
6 . How to use multi Promise methods?


1. What is  Media Query  ? Explain About  Media Query
2. Explain the Difference between Static , Relative and Absolute Positions .
