Angular JS Training

AngularJS Training Objectives
Students will:
  • Understand the design of single-page applications and how AngularJS facilitates their development
  • Properly separate the model, view, and controller layers of your application and implement them using AngularJS
  • Master AngularJS expressions, filters, and scopes
  • Build Angular forms
  • Elegantly implement Ajax in your AngularJS applications
  • Write AngularJS directives
  • Unit test and end-to-end test your AngularJS applications

AngularJS Training Outline

Introduction to AngularJS
What does AngularJS do for me?
Who controls AngularJS?
How can I get AngularJS?

Our first AngularJS application
A basic application
Using angular-seed
The pieces of the puzzle
How it fits together
Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective

Single Page Applications
What do we mean by Single Page Application?
Creating Angular Modules
Using Angular's Routing Service
Creating a Skeleton Single Page Application

Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angular’s perspective
Managing Scope
Setting up Behavior
Building a basic controller
A more advanced controller

How to create a model
Explicit models
Implicit models

Angular's take on the View: a little bit different
Tying a View to a Controller
Tying a View to a model

Expressions are lightweight code snippets
Expression capabilities
The border between expressions and $eval
Standard filters
Writing your own filter
Tying filters together

What are scopes?
What do scopes provide?
Scope lifecycle
Scopes as glue between controller and view
Scope hierarchies
Scope and events

Angular Forms
Angular forms vs HTML forms
Angular form controls
Form events
The form controller
Form validation 

Ajax, Data, and Angular
High level interactions with servers
Low-level server interactions with $http
The deferred/promises API
Making RESTful Service calls with $resource

Teaching HTML new tricks
Binding text and attributes
Directive processing lifecycle
A basic directive
Directives and scopes
Creating reusable directives
Turning directives into components
